Vitamin D – Simple & Powerful

Just about the time we think we know everything about something, BAM, a new angle emerges. New Research now shows that 600,000 new cases of breast and colon cancer could be prevented worldwide each year simply by raising vitamin D blood levels. This new study totally blows my mind. Here we spend literally BILLIONS of dollars on cancer drugs while just upping vitamin D levels could prevent 600,000 cases of cancer EACH YEAR.

Think about the economic and social implications of 600,000 new cases of cancer that didn’t develop. Everyone should be on a DAILY dose of vitamin D. There has been an absolute explosion in vitamin D research the past few years.

Research now shows that low blood levels of vitamin D are associated with hypertension, migraine headaches, influenza, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, periodontal disease, epilepsy, osteoporosis, heart disease, and osteoarthritis. Low vitamin D levels are also associated with
infertility, PMS, fatigue, seasonal affective disorder, depression, and autoimmune conditions like MS, Sjögren’s Syndrome, and rheumatoid
arthritis. Vitamin D deficiencies are seen with Crohn’s disease, syndrome X, obesity, and poly cystic ovary disease.

Vitamin D has been shown to improve survival in lung cancer patients, reduce falls in the elderly, increase athletic performance, and increase cognitive performance in adults. Vitamin D should be a huge part of any protocol in the treatment of any kind of chronic pain.

Now, how is it possible that one simple vitamin can do so much? I believe it is because vitamin D is a major factor in alkalizing the body. Most Americans have an overly acidic chemistry which is a breeding ground for disease. Our hormones cell membranes, and enzymes; even our oxygen levels are not working correctly if our system is mildly acidic. Our bodies work best in a pH of 7.365 and even a minor drop in pH to 7.2 can cause a major shift in the way our body functions. Whenever our systems are too acidic, one of the major buffers our bodies use to reduce that acidity is calcium. Vitamin D, among other functions, causes increased calcium absorption by increasing a hormone called “calcitriol”. Better calcium absorption through proper levels of vitamin D is a major buffer for an overly acidic system.

Dr. Stuart Grace Green in a lecture about his upcoming book on Vitamin D described that there are over 3,000 receptor sites for vitamin D in the body. All your body organs and cells have receptors for vitamin D, meaning that vitamin D communicates all around your body. Your cells use vitamin D to directly regulate your genes, making it one of the most powerful compounds in human health. Professor Robert Healy says that “vitamin D is the key that unlocks the DNA library.”

The volume of research on vitamin D is staggering and keeps growing. What is exciting is that the research is solid and comes from reputable sources. I strongly recommend that everyone needs to be on vitamin D, especially when you are not getting adequate sun exposure.

I don’t think there is a simpler, less expensive thing that people can do to increase their physical and even emotional health than to take 1-2 drops of vitamin D per day. A safe dose if you are not testing for vitamin D blood levels is 2,000 IU for children and 4,000 IU for adults.

Remember the most cost effective, convenient way to take vitamin D is with Bio-DMulsion Forte by Biotics. Each drop contains 2,000 IU. Bio-D-Mulsion Forte is emulsified, so patients are assured of proper absorption. The particle sizes are actually considered to be nano-sized and are absorbed directly into the lymph system.

Doctors consistently tell me that some forms of vitamin D don’t change blood levels, but once they started using the Bio-D-Mulsion blood levels started going up nicely. One bottle is only $19.00 for about 750 drops and can be used by the whole family for months.

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