Adrenal Stress – Hypoadrenia

About 80% of the people that come in to my office are suffering from some degree of Hypoadrenia.

Some of the symptoms of hypoadrenia (adrenal stress) are:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Bloating
  • Weight gain
  • Cravings for carbohydrates or sugars
  • Poor immune function
  • Intolerance to cold

Adrenal fatigue can be a factor in conditions such as:

  • Hypotension
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Premature menopause
  • Fatigue
  • Joint Pain
  • Food Allergies
  • Just about all symptoms and diseases can be linked to hypoadrenia.

The adrenal glands act as a back-up power supply for the rest of the glands in the body. So any stress on the body may deplete the adrenals.

Consistent stress on the pancreas and liver from eating many refined foods may weaken the adrenals. Constant stress on the brain from worry, stress, anger and fear may weaken the adrenals. Frequent viral infections and eating too many refined foods weakens the immune system, which in turn tires out the adrenals. As you can see, any unhealthy habit may deplete and weaken your adrenals.

The first step in strengthening and rebuilding your adrenal glands is making sure that you minimize blood sugar highs and lows, while cleansing your liver, gall bladder, digestive tract, and kidneys. To do this, you must follow a low sugar, low refined carbohydrate diet. In this diet, all refined wheat and refined sugars are eliminated. I use 3 Total Enzymes and 3 Total Liver D-Tox per day with excellent results to support the gallbladder, liver, stomach, and digestive tract.

The second step in rebuilding the adrenals is minimizing stress. To do this I often prescribe deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and/or QiGong. These are all centering, stress-reducing activities. I also recommend that patients cut out stimulants such as coffee (switch from coffee to tea) and cigarettes.

The third step to rebuilding the adrenals is to support them directly through nutritional supplementation. I prescribe the whole food supplement DSF (3-6/day depending on the degree of adrenal depletion) with great success. I may also prescribe herbs such as Astragalus for the immune system (2.5-5 grams/day), Ashwaganda to calm the mind, strengthen the immune system, and strengthen the system in general (2.5-5 grams/day), Siberian Ginseng as a strong overall immune system enhancer and general tonic, or Licorice and/or Rehmannia for specific adrenal support. These herbs may be used in conjunction with or in place of DSF, depending on the specific case.

Other Lifestyle Changes to Support Your Energy Backup System:

  1. Get 8 hours rest a night
  2. Take a 20 minute nap daily
  3. Walk 30-60 min/day
  4. Eliminate all sugar, corn, and wheat (even whole wheat)
  5. Never eat carbs by themselves. Always accompany with protein and healthy fat.
  6. Only moderate exercise-no strenuous.
  7. Take supplements to nourish you adrenals and balance your system.
  8. No caffeine.

Dr. Keith Sheehan is a Chiropractor and Holistic Practitioner practicing at 1301 East King Street in beautiful Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Dr. Sheehan has had 12 years experience helping his clients with a wide variety of physical and biochemical conditions, using an individually tailored wellness approach and natural therapies. His clients appreciate his caring and direct approach his helpful, knowledgeable staff. To schedule a nutritional or chiropractic assessment, or for more information, please contact Dr. Sheehan at (717) 392-6606.

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