Don’t Eat Carbs For Breakfast, Kids

Don’t make the same mistake I did.

The other day I woke up early, like I usually do, and cooked myself a nice breakfast. I made eggs and sausage, and mixed them in with some quinoa and baby greens from the CSA. Now, I hadn’t made quinoa for months. It’s a grain, and most of the time grains do not disgrace the cooking pots and countertops in my kitchen. But I thought, this morning it will be fine, right? A little bit of yummy, nutty grain to mix in with my protein and veg? Kind of like a burrito bowl, sort of. I even put hot sauce on it. It was very yummy, and rather healthy as well. But for me, it was a mistake.

I’ll tell you why.

That little bit of carb in the morning from grain started me on a terrible carb binge that lasted all weekend. I couldn’t stay away from them! Sure, they were “permissible” carbs on my food plan, meaning they’ll only kill me slowly if I eat small amounts. But I was carbing out! Lard-cooked potato chips, paleo chocolate chip cookies, and *gasp* jerk chicken on a bed of rice and candied yams from Soul Food up the street, and beer!?! Sound harmless enough? By Sunday morning I was a sluggish, phlegm-y (is that a word), grouchy mess. That’s what carbs do to me. I was clearing my throat all day Sunday and I was not feeling too bright and sunny. I was already tired from working hard all week, but now I was exhausted! It’s taken me three days to recover.

The moral of the story, kids: don’t eat carbs for breakfast. Carbs for breakfast will just cause you to want more carbs the rest of the day.

I only have 2 days worth of food diary for you…the carbs made me do it 🙁

Monday 3/30/15

5:30 AM: coffee with butter and coconut oil

6:00 AM: 2 organic beef franks with chicken soup (kale, carrot onion, bone broth)(5)

10:00 AM: peanuts (6)

1:15 PM: 1 naked hamburger with mustard and lacto-fermented sauerkraut (5), raw walnuts (5)

3:00 PM: cinnamon spice herb tea

8:00 PM: Texas Road House: 1 piece of fried catfish that was bad, a bowl of chili (10), broccoli, green beans (6), peanuts (15)

Total carbs for Monday: 52

Tuesday 3/31/15

7AM: coffee with butter and coconut oil

9:00 AM: protein shake: cashew/coconut milk, 2 scoops dairy free SP Complete, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 cup spinach, 2 TBSP cashew butter (10)

10:00 AM: black tea

1:00 PM: “chicken bake”, chicken thigh with cabbage, carrot and garlic (10)

5:00 PM: walnuts (5)

7:30 PM: Red Robin take-out :): double bison burger (it’s called the Wild West burger) on a lettuce wrap (10-probably in the sauce), sweet potato fries (30)

Total carbs for Tuesday: 65

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