“Great Guns” Against Lyme Disease

At this point, I’d like to point out that I would say that my Lyme disease was officially diagnosed in 2014, even though I think it really began in 2011 with a tick bite.  Or did it really start before that?  I mean, I had a history of childhood and adult illnesses including: allergies, asthma, recurrent severe prolonged bronchitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Salmonella poisoning, finally culminating with Lyme disease.

Or was it just that I had gotten sick as a child, never really gotten healthy again, and continually gotten sicker until I finally pulled all the stops and, as my Mom would say, “go great guns” against anything that was living in me that I didn’t want setting up shop anymore.  I would like to point out that ever since my Salmonella poisoning when I was 21 I had migrating pains.  My first bout of back pain followed my diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis.  Basically, I never felt good until recently, when I went “great guns” against whatever was infecting me.

Here’s my own take on it.  I think that I was either born with a weakened immune system, or got some kind of infection very early in life.  I think that each illness was just either an exacerbation of the old infection, or a new thing taking up residence in my weakened immune system.  It’s important to note that to get over both my Lyme and Salmonellosis, I had to cut grains and sugar out of my diet.  I, like most people, find that these two foods weaken my immune system greatly.  Guess what I lived on as a kid?  You guessed it, grains and sugar!  No wonder I kept getting sick.

Here’s a list of things associated with my Lyme disease:

  1. Asthma
  2. Allergies
  3. Migrating pains (neck, shoulders, low back, knees)
  4. Recurrent swollen lymph nodes
  5. Boils
  6. Depression
  7. Anxiety
  8. Fatigue
  9. Forgetfulness
  10. Brain Fog
  11. Irritability
  12. Panic attacks
  13. Weight gain
  14. Insomnia

Next week, I’ll clue you in to exactly how I was able to locate and eliminate what was weakening my immune system, and how exactly I killed the Lyme bug.

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