Lyme Disease-Jess’s Story

When Jess came to see me two years ago, she was stressed, anxious, frustrated, scared, and in pain—lots of pain. She had already been to see one Lyme disease specialist medical doctor and one alternative functional medicine doctor. She had been diagnosed with Lyme disease, but thus far, had no success in her treatment. Even though she had fatigue, depression, anxiety, and poor sleep, her biggest complaint was that she had severe abdominal pain off and on. In fact, she had been to the Emergency Room multiple times within the year before seeing me. Understandably, she was at the end of her rope.

After examining her, what was most notable was that she actually did not need that many supplements. In fact, the supplements that she was taking were making her worse. I found that she had adrenal fatigue, most likely from chronic immune system stress, chronic stress, and anxiety over her condition. As with many of my patients, I assured her that she would get better, it was not on her head, and that she wasn’t actually as sick as she thought she was. This made a huge impact on her mentally, and she started to feel better right away.

Once she was feeling better, she started sleeping better and having less anxiety. This was a sign that her adrenal glands were starting to heal. The next thing that showed up with Nutrition Response Testing was that her immune system was also very weak. We used specific supplements to handle the immune challenges. She continued to improve.

Last but not least, we found heavy metals in her body. The reason I say last but not least is because, in many patients, heavy metals are at the root of an immune system dysfunction. However, as in Jess’s case, they didn’t really start showing up until her adrenal and hormonal system, and her immune system was strong enough to handle the detoxification process. Since handling this heavy-metal toxicity, Jess continues to improve.

What this case shows is that often the first thing we have to do is let the patient know that we can actually help them and that they’re not actually as sick as they think, or other doctors have made them feel. It’s also important to note that in the most chronic of cases, often there is a multi-layered approach to their healing. It’s common to look for one singular cause to our symptoms or illness. Jess‘s case showed that she actually had three major causes. Without handling all three of these, she would never have gotten better.

Watch Jess’s story here.

Does this sound like it could be you? Are you tired of chasing symptoms, tired of a cookie-cutter approach? Are you ready for a Natural Health Solution?

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 Nutritiously Yours,

Laura Sheehan

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