Standard Process Purification – Dr. Sheehan’s Take

Dr. Sheehan Shares the Secret Sheehan Cleanse Shake Recipe!

So Laura and I decided to take the plunge last week, and do the Standard Process Purification program.

I must say, I’m very pleased. I’m sleeping better, I feel more flexible, I’m saving time by doing less cooking, and I’m noticing I’m detoxing more of my old Lyme’s toxins. So I give it a unanimous thumbs up!

Mostly what we’re eating are SP Complete shakes. I get a lot of requests for recipes, so I decided to put it here. I even have these shakes for breakfast!

1 cup cubed zucchini (or whatever veggie you like, we have tons of these right now!) Cucumber even works here. It’s refreshing!

1 cup spinach, kale, or whatever green you like

1 cup blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, or whatever berry you like (Stay away from high sugar fruits)such as bananas, mango, and pineapple)

1 serving SP Complete

1 tablespoon Essential Balance (this has a good balance of omega 3, 6, and 9 fats)

1 serving Sheehan Whey (I tend to use Strawberry Sheehan Whey)

1-2 cups Coconut Milk

A couple of ice cubes (if desired)

I put this all in my Vitamix, and blend it for about 30 seconds. It’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein, and phytonutrients. I have 3-5 of these per day.

If you have any shake recipes you think are particularly good, feel free to tell me at the office!

Here’s Laura’s diet log for the last several days:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

7:00 AM: coffee with coconut oil, 1 protein shake (see above)

12:30 PM: 1 piece salmon, cooked onions, eggplant and zucchini

3:30 PM: almonds

5:30 PM: another shake

8:30 PM: leftovers from Texas Road House: 2 chicken critters with ranch, a cup of chili (which is not so tasty cold)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

7:00 AM: coffee with coconut oil, 1 protein shake (see above)

11:00 AM: more almonds

2:30 PM: piece of salmon, another shake

Supper…we shall see!

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