The Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Dr. Sheehan Recounts His Recent Experience

So this week I decided to perform a liver/gallbladder flush. I’ve been working on ridding my body of toxic metals and chronic infections for a while now, and I know they can leave deposits on the liver, so I decided to give it a go. Here’s what I did:

Days 1-7-I drank 1 quart of apple juice. The pectin in the apple juice softens the stones, so that they are easier to pass. Honestly, just adding a quart of apple juice started my liver/gallbladder flush, as I started getting symptoms of cleansing (more bms, coughing up some mucus, less shoulder pain). Next time, I’ll add 90 drops of Phosfood (from Standard Process), to help soften the stones more.

Day7-Three hours after lunch I took 8 Disodium Phosphate (once again from Standard Process) with 1 quart water. Two hours after that, I took another 8 Disodium Phosphate with 1 quart water. Disodium Phosphate act as a mild laxative, and it helps to flush bile out of the liver and gallbladder, while relaxing the bile duct to make stones come out easier.

For dinner, I just had a couple of grapefruits, but you could just use whatever citrus fruit you wanted.

At bedtime, I made a mixture of 4 oz. unrefined, extra-virgin olive oil, and half of a lemon. I followed it up with 8 oz. of grapefruit juice. Then I went to bed, lying on my right side, with my knee pulled up for about ½ an hour. This much olive oil stimulates the gallbladder and liver to release their stones. As an aside, I had an old instructor in chiropractic school tell me to drink 1 quart of olive oil for my first cleanse in 1997! Yikes! I felt totally horrible! Doing the cleanse like I’m laying out now worked much better! In the morning, the first thing I did upon waking up was take 8 more Disodium Phosphate with 1 quart water.

About an hour after I took the Disodium Phosphate, I started passing the sludge and stones in my stool. Overall, it took about 1 hour to totally clear. Honestly, I was expecting larger stones, but I only got a multitude of small ones (most were about 3 mm wide).

Depending on how I feel over the next week, I plan to perform a gallbladder/liver cleanse once a month. Overall, it wasn’t too tough an experience, and I think it’s great for liver/gallbladder health.

(Please only attempt this liver and gallbladder flush under the supervision of an appropriate professional.)

Here’s Laura’s Food Journal for the last few days:

Friday, September 4, 2015

8AM: coffee with coconut oil, 1 sausage, avocado and pico de gallo

1 PM: Around the Clock Diner in York 🙂 Turkey with white gravy (I scraped most of it off), broccoli, side salad with blue cheese dressing

3PM: Cocommune bar

6:30 PM: pan cooked cod with pico de gallo, avocado, and coffee with coconut oil

7:30 PM: 1 piece marzipan, 4 coconut flour cookies I made. They were really small.

9:30 PM: celery and pb

Saturday, September 5, 2015

7:15 AM: coffee with coconut oil

7:45 AM: cod, with pico and onions

11:30 AM: almonds, sprouted pretzels, diet coke

1 PM: PB meal bar, cashews

4:30 PM: coffee with coconut oil and Sugar free, splenda-laden white chocolate syrup, sardines on a salad with natural mayo, olives, and green peppers, 1 slice grapefruit

Sunday, September 6, 2015

7AM: coffee with coconut oil, PB meal bar

9AM: 1 piece of sausage (Dr. Sheehan has been on a huge sausage kick lately, it’s easy and fast to make)

12:45 AM: greens, sardines, mayo, olives, green peppers, 1/2 sugar free monster drink

3 PM: tuna melt from Dunkin Donuts (it has been really hard with lots of food cravings the last few days…so I succumbed, but at least not to white sugar)

4:30 PM: Nestle aspartame sweetened lemon water, peanuts

8:30 PM: taco bowl with ground beef, taco seasoning (homemade), onions, green pepper, mushrooms, avocado, pico, cilantro, fermented hot sauce, greek yogurt

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