Like juicing, everything in life can be viewed as an adventure and an opportunity to learn. As I have gotten older I have noticed that I am kinder to myself with mistakes. I view mistakes as a learning experience. I am realizing that I will never be perfect, but I can be better. And I have commended myself to this process. It’s actually quite lovely!
So I wouldn’t call it a mistake exactly, but my feelings about juicing have flip-flopped a few times since I’ve been on this health journey. Juicing! It’s what many people think of when they think health. They think they’ll have to juice things like garlic and kale. Not so! Here are some things I have learned about juicing over the years:
- You can be healthy without juicing. If you’ve never owned a juicer and never plan to, there is still hope.
- That said, you definitely can include fresh juice as a part of your health program. Different juices can be quite therapeutic!
- Juicing can be really fun and delicious.
- Cleaning a juicer can be a real pain.
- Never, ever, juice radishes.
If you feel inclined to experiment with juicing, go for it! Here is a list of my favorite juices:
Turmeric (in small amounts)
Ginger (in small amounts)
You will notice I do not juice fruits very often. I still feel like it’s better to eat the fruits and get the fiber, and avoid all that extra sugar. But please experiment for yourself and see what works for you!
Here is my diet log for the last couple of days:
Monday, 5AM – 2 cups coffee with cream
8 AM – fruit bowl with banana, apple, avocado, lemon juice
12:00 pm – Standard Process berry bar
1:00 pm – coconut yogurt with hemp seeds, blueberries and cinnamon
2:00 pm – salmon, asparagus, a few potato chips
4:00 pm – 1/2 cup cashews
8:00 pm – fig bar
8:45 pm – 5 slices of bacon, mixed greens salad with radish, cucumber and Bragg’s vinaigrette
Tuesday, 5 AM – 2 cups coffee with cream
7 AM – celery, parsley, cilantro, and garlic juice
8 AM – fruit bowl with banana, apple, mango, and pineapple (and lemon juice)
9 AM – 2 cups green tea
12:30 PM – grapes
2:00 PM – quinoa and millet with vegetables (onions, dulse, zucchini, marjoram, and celery)
3:00 PM – another cup green tea (I’m trying to have green or pu-erh tea instead of coffee in the afternoon)
3:30 PM – SP berry bar
Supper – not sure yet! Probably more bacon! YUM!