The Best Breakfast for Health and Weight Loss

A holistic approach to weight loss

As a holistic doctor, one of the most common questions I get from people about diet is “what do I eat for breakfast?” About 4 years ago, I learned from a world famous trainer named Charles Poliquin, that you should basically be eating meat and nuts for breakfast.  This is the best breakfast for weight loss and to feel better. The reasons for this are very basic-it will:

  1. lower blood sugar fluctuations, and
  2. subsequent insulin surges.

This is important for five reasons. Lowering blood sugar fluctuations and insulin surges will help:

  1. Lower cortisol levels (the primary stress hormone)
  2. Lower inflammation (the primary factor in most chronic diseases)
  3. Reduce food cravings
  4. Strengthen the immune system
  5. Build muscle and lose fat
  6. Balance hormones (including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones)
  7. Help you lose weight

So, basically, you need to cut your carbs, ESPECIALLY in the morning, in order to be healthy. The problem is, most people don’t want a piece of fish or a hamburger for breakfast. But there are other solutions. What I tell people to eat is protein and nuts, not necessarily meat and nuts, for breakfast. If you absolutely CANNOT eat in the morning, you can substitute a low carb protein shake (recipe below). The reason I say this is that back in the day, I took a whole lot of body fat measurements on my patients (I would still do it, but it took too much time, and I had to charge accordingly). People consistently lost a lot more fat if they ate protein rather than drank it. So that’s why drinking your protein is a distant second. Here’s some choices of what to have for breakfast:

  • Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Sausage
  • Burgers
  • Fish

Feel free to mix and match these, don’t eat the same thing every day. Along with your protein, eat a handful of nuts. I recommend going easy on the peanuts, though, because they’re actually a legume, and some people don’t handle them well. Also, it goes without saying, that organic, local sausage, bacon, and eggs are much better than commercial. But like the saying goes, get the quality of food up after you’ve cut down the quantity of poison you put into your body (sugars and refined carbs).

If you must, must have a protein shake, here’s what I recommend. One, use my protein, Sheehan Whey, and/or Standard Process SP Complete. These proteins are the best ones I’ve come across, have no artificial sweeteners, and have no sugar. Two, mix these with water, sugar free coconut milk, almond milk, hemp milk, cashew milk. NO soy milk, as soy is a major food allergen, may be a hormonal disruptor, amongst other problems. There are better options, so use them instead. Three, if you like your shake creamier, add ½ to 1 avocado. If you must put a fruit in there, you can add berries, just not cherries, as they are high in sugar. Four, if you’re feeling really adventurous and healthy, add some greens, in the form of baby spinach, kale, whatever. It’s actually not bad. So here’s a shake synopsis:

  • Liquid (water, sugar free coconut milk, almond milk, hemp milk, cashew milk)
  • Sheehan Whey and/or SP Complete
  • Avocado (optional)
  • Greens (kale, baby spinach-just add a little, don’t want to overpower the rest of the shake)
  • Berries (raspberries, red or black, blueberries, etc.)
  • Essential Balance Oil (a properly balanced oil that has omega 3, 6, and 9 in the right proportions). You should definitely add this for the healthy fat; protein by itself won’t hold you.
  • Other spices of you like-like organic cocoa, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, stevia, you can get creative here.

Use these guidelines to create your own unique shake. Just make sure that it has protein, fat, and low carb. Go crazy!

So there you have it, what to eat for breakfast. This should satisfy everyone. And remember, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So let’s get healthy with a healthy breakfast each and every day!

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