Fat Bombs!

Neither will they make you fat nor are they actually bombs 🙂I have been sick the last couple days and have had very little motivation to do anything, especially cook. However I think I will have to find the energy to make these Fat Bombs. My friend and fellow chiropractor’s wife Lori Suhrbier gave me this recipe. I will always love her for it!

Because of the excellent care I receive from my husband and also because I work hard on taking care of myself with a healthy diet, supplements, and exercise, I am not often ill. It does hit me from time to time (as I am still human). I think I have only taken antibiotics once in the last 5 years. So when I do get sick, the first thing I do is get a health check. Most of the time whatever supplements my body needs to support my immune system will head off the illness and I do not actually come down with it. And when I do end up with full-blown cold symptoms my supplements keep me functioning. Like I know I am sick but I can keep going until such a time as rest is appropriate. I also get adjusted as much as possible.

Remember, when you have acute symptoms, acute doses of supplements are in order (meaning lots), and as many adjustments and as much bodywork as possible. AND AVOID SUGAR AND DAIRY when you’re sick as well. Sugar cuts your immune response by 50% and dairy seems to gum up the system when you need to keep the channels of detoxification open. You can’t avoid getting sick completely because that is the nature of the world we live in, but these tips have stood me in good stead (this means these tips have been of great use and benefit to me).

Ok, now for the fat bomb recipe!

3/4 cup melted coconut oil

9 1/2 Tablespoons almond butter

60 drops stevia (you can skip this and they are still amazing)

3 Tablespoons cocoa powder

9 Tablespoons melted butter

Combine everything well in a bowl or food processor.

Pour the mixture into mini-cupcake tins and freeze. Just cover the bottom of the pan to about 1/2 inch thickness. Voila! Perfect for if you have a craving for bad sugary foods, have a fat bomb instead, as it packs a power punch of healthy fats!

Here is my food log for the last few days. I fell off the carb counting but I will get back on it.

Sunday 4/5/2015 Easter

6 AM: coffee with butter and coconut oil

7 AM: CC meal bar, 1/2 of a green juice

9:30 AM: bacon cheeseburger on a bed of greens, more green juice, leftover sugar free latte

1:00 PM: dinner with the fam at Bonefish Grill–iced tea, sashimi, ceviche, corn chips, shrimp & scallops with tomato, red pepper, potato, celery and bread

7:30 PM: baked haddock with butter, garlic and lemon on a bed of greens and lacto-fermented sauerkraut

Monday 4/6/2015

7:00 AM: 2 chicken sausages, coffee with butter and coconut oil

1:00 PM: herb tea, walnuts

1:30 PM: naked hamburger with salsa on a bed of greens with lacto-fermented sauerkraut

3:00 PM: more herb tea

7:30 PM: Texas Road House: a tequila, lime juice, and seltzer (my fav is the 1800 Reposado, just had to share since it took me much trial and error to figure out which one I liked best), chicken tenders, broccoli, green beans

Tuesday 4/7/2015

7:00 AM: coffee with butter and coconut oil

8:00 AM: 2 eggs & 4 thick-cut slices of bacon

12:00 PM: Red Robin: double wild west burger on a lettuce wrap, sweet potato fries

8:00 PM: walnuts, chili (hamburger, canned crushed tomato, onion, cabbage, leftover Red Robin chili mixed in, a few tortilla strips), 1 sip beer

Wednesday 4/8/2015

7:00 AM: coffee with butter and coconut oil

8:00 AM: cup of chili leftover 9:00 AM: herb tea, water, phosfood

1:00 PM: 2 chicken sausages

6:00 PM: tuna salad salad from Subway

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