Fixing Lyme Disease

So how exactly did I go about fixing my Lyme Disease?  Well, first, let me recap on 5 crucial steps to fixing Lyme Disease:

  1. I admitted that I had Lyme disease.
  2. I became 100% determined to beat Lyme disease, mostly by myself, with help from my teachers.
  3. I promised myself that I would do whatever it takes to beat Lyme disease once and for all, even if it meant that I had to give up things, or change the way I lived.
  4. I put myself in charge of eradicating this disease.
  5. I took it as a personal mission to help as many people with Lyme disease as possible.

Basically, I totally confronted the problem.  This I think is the most important step to fixing any problem.  Once I made the above decisions, I realized “It must be hanging out in some weak area of my body”. I sat with this for a while and realized that I had had weaknesses in my lungs, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, and gallbladder, and taken supplements for them.  But the problem kept coming back.  I also had swollen lymph nodes off and on since I was about 14, and even gotten surgery twice because of this situation.

The lymph system is a little hard to test, as it is literally everywhere, and can be a problem anywhere.  So I went to the lymph nodes that regularly caused problems in my body, and guess what I found?  Some sort of bacterial challenge, and it was bad (in Nutrition Response Testing, we keep away from “diagnosing” anything to keep the FDA off our back, but we can say that we have an immune system challenge)!  I had hit paydirt!

Next, using Nutrition Response Testing Acute Dosing Protocol, I found which supplements would support the organ (the lymph nodes) and immune system challenge (bacterial) that came up. I took the dosage I found, but instead of taking it daily, I took it hourly!  As my brilliant wife had pointed out, I had an acute exacerbation of a long term problem, that needed help right now! The results were undeniable:  the cough that I had immediately stopped, and the open wound I had in one of the infected lymph nodes for 6 months healed in two days.  It was a miracle. I kept this protocol up until I felt 100% better, then I gradually cut down the supplements as my body indicated with muscle testing.

So what did I learn from this?

  1. If it looks like Lyme and acts like Lyme, it’s probably Lyme!
  2. You’ve got to use Nutrition Response Testing locate the immune system weakness exactly.
  3. You’ve got to use Nutrition Response Testing to test exactly what you need to support the weakness.
  4. You’ve got to follow through 100% on your supplement program.  This may take time.
  5. I had to totally stop eating refined sugar, grains, and pasteurized dairy.
  6. I had to adhere to a diet of fruits, veggies, meats, nuts and oils in order to rebuild my immune system.
  7. I had to handle the different stresses in my life to take the pressure off of my immune system.
  8. Sometimes I had to take wayyyyyyyy more of the supplements I tested for than what is generally suggested.  Basically, I had to go with what my body said to do, instead of what someone else who wasn’t in my body said.
  9. I had to trust that my body knew what it wanted, and if I wasn’t feeling better, I just hadn’t found the problem yet.
  10. Lyme disease is definitely curable.

I hope this 4 part series into my own personal health challenge helps you with your own health challenge.  Keep tuned each week for more advice on how you can help yourself live a happier, healthier life!

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