Marvelous Amino Acids

Support brain-balancing, mood balancing, and more!

Recently Dr. Sheehan and I have been studying up on moods and brain physiology. There are two excellent books that will give you great insight into moods and brain function. They are “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” by Daniel Amen, M.D., and “The Mood Cure” by Julia Ross. When you combine the knowledge from these books and muscle testing, it’s possible to find a solution to many mood disorders very quickly. Let me use myself as an example. I cut out sugar and that pretty much cured my depression. But I still had the potential to be quite moody, get stressed easily, and feel very scattered. After I started taking the amino acids (amino acids are building blocks that make up proteins) that Dr. Sheehan recommended to me, my mood was up, and I mean within 20 minutes! My PMS symptoms and concentration improved as well. We have also been observing results like this in our patients.

I like Julia Ross’s book because she is a nutritionist who ran addiction-treatment clinics. She was using good nutrition and dietary supplements (esp. amino acids) to treat addiction in the 80’s. She talks about “good-mood foods” and “bad-mood foods.” If you have ever eaten a clean diet, you will know the difference from experience! And her recommendations are right in line with what we recommend in our office. Both books are worth a read.

Another recommendation for great overall mood health is to eat plenty of fish. Salmon, tuna, sardines, and other wild-caught fishes 3 or more times a week is highly recommended. Fish feed the brain, soothe the nervous system, and provide lots of protein for building. The Omega-3s in fish are in the form that is most easily useable by the body to help reduce inflammation which supports the heart, brain, hormonal balancing, immune system, musculoskeletal system, healthy weight, and body pain.

Here is my diet log for the last couple of days:

Monday, June 22, 2015

7:00 AM: naked burger with mustard on a bed of greens, coffee with coconut oil

10:00 AM: peanuts

12:30 PM: 1 cup organic whole milk yogurt with a scoop of Sheehan whey protein, pecans

6:00 PM: grilled tuna steak, green salad with beets, hummus, and black olives

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

7:30 AM: coffee with coconut oil

9:30 AM: baked egg/ham cups with hot peppers, handful wild salad (purslane and parsley)

12:30 PM: 1 cup organic whole milk yogurt with a scoop of Sheehan whey protein, peanuts

7:00 PM: baked haddock with lemon, garlic and butter, green salad, 1 beer, more peanuts

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