Mommy Needs Whole Food Nutrition

Mommy needs whole food nutrition and the exact right supplement program (as determined by Nutrition Response Testing(R)). These are important for everyone’s health, but most importantly for hopeful, or expecting mothers. Getting onto a nutrition plan should begin well in advance of trying to conceive. This will ensure that mom (and dad!) have the best chance of an easy pregnancy and a healthy, well-nourished child. It makes sense! It’s because the proper development of the growing child depends on the nutrients available to the child from preconception through childhood.

Here are some important points for mommy and daddy to consider when baby-having is on their mind:

  1. Both mom and dad should be on a nutrition program at least three months before trying to conceive. This will improve their nutritional profile and ensure the baby has enough good vitamins and minerals to grow a healthy body.
  2. Whole food vitamins are perfectly safe and very effective for mommy and baby because they are made from food! Whole food vitamins are also great to help with milk production when breast-feeding.
  3. During pregnancy, as much as possible, eat foods in their whole form. Pasture-raised, organic, local–get the best quality you can. You’re growing another human body, in all of its wondrous complexity. This is not a time to skimp!
  4. Here is a great resource for feeding the family:

And now here is the featured diet log of our client T.  who had high blood sugar and now he has brought his blood sugar down to normal (and avoided having to take meds! Go!) and lost 15 lbs so far and is still losing. He is following a “ketogenic diet” which is very low in carbohydrates, and very high in fat. He says he does not even crave sugar or sweets on this high-fat diet.


Breakfast 3egg omelette, diced tomatoes, jalapenos, one spicy italian sausage, guacamole cooked in avocado oil with avocado oil poured onto it

Lunch 2 organic gluten free and dairy free hotdogs, goat cheese crumbles, poured avocado oil on them

Snack 2tbsp of Almond butter

Dinner 1 doz wings with broasted hotsauce, celery, dipped in guacamole

Snack 2tbsp of almond Butter


Breakfast 8 gluten free meatballs, goat cheese crumbles, sirracha sauce, covered in olive oil

Snack 2tbsp almond butter

Lunch pulled pork, guacamole, avocado oil

Dinner Chicken smothered in guacamole, broccoli

Snack 2tbsp almond butter

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