New Years Offer At Sheehan Natural Health

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Greetings from Dr. Sheehan and Laura!

I hope you had a nice holiday season, spent some time relaxing with the family, and so on.  Since both Laura’s and my family live out of state, we stayed here and concentrated on our hiking adventures! 

By the way, we recorded all of our hikes on, if you want to see what we did and where we went.  If you become a member, it’s free; you can do a member search, and see what we did!  We’ll be posting maps of all of our hikes in the office soon.   It’s an addictive, fun hobby that’s great for relationship and family building! 

Anyway, while we were hiking, we talked about what we could do as a healthcare office in the new year to promote health, and we came up with three things right off the bat.

One was to tell you about Alltrails.

Research shows that we need about 5 hours per week of exercise, and hiking is perfect for that.  Our goal is 60 miles for the month of January.

Two is to give everyone an incentive to get their blood work checked. 

After reading hundreds of lab tests this year, I’ve come to realize that one of the most important things we can do for our health is to get a black-and-white picture of what is really going on in our bodies.  How can we fix something unless we know what’s going on?  How can we catch small problems before they become big ones?  Bloodwork is the answer. 

This means – for the month of January, we’re offering $25 off our complete lab panel!  Happy New Year!  This is a perfect time to order your bloodwork if you’ve gotten off track, or want to pay in advance for the bloodwork you’ll be getting in the near future to save $25!

Three is to tell you about an experiment I’ve been doing. 

You all know that I’m a big proponent of the Page Diet, and after checking thousands of lab tests on patients, it never ceases to amaze me how deficient we all are, myself included!  What if there was a way to measure all the nutrients we took into our bodies?

Well, there is.  There are apps for your phone to do it.  I use  Cronometer tell me how much vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates I take in during the day.  I love it.  Right now I’m experimenting with doing the Page Diet, and doing it isocalorically (I think I just made that word up).  What the heck does isocaloric mean?  It’s when you eat equal calories for protein, fat, and carbohydrate. I eat about 1000 calories per day from protein, carbohydrate, and fat. 

I’m trying this way of eating because it tends to lower insulin and resulting inflammation in people, and I know from my blood work that I can benefit from that.  Wish me luck, and give it a try if you’re like me and like to experiment. We’re looking forward to great things in 2021—to you feeling great and achieving your health goals!!

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