The Fridge

My new favorite restaurant!I am always keeping my eyes and ears open for restaurants that have food I can eat that are not too expensive. And I recently heard about the Fridge. Now, I did know about it already, and I knew they had pizza and a large beer selection, but I DIDN’T know they had hot dogs from Sweet Stem Farm, roasted veggie salad, or anything gluten-free (which they do!). We went there on Saturday night with a friend, and I had a kim-chee hot dog with hummus and vegetables. Dr. Sheehan had a gluten free wrap with some kind of delicious hot dog. They were out of gluten free pita though. As a hypocrite, I also ordered a beer, a delicious oatmeal stout. I like stouts and porters for a cheat drink. YUM

So I will definitely go back there. I have been eating ground beef three times a day for the past week since getting sick (I’m feeling much better though) and The Fridge was a great change of pace!

Other favorites are: Texas Road House (yes, I’ll admit this is Dr. Sheehan’s favorite), Red Robin burgers on lettuce wraps with sweet potato fries, John J Jeffries (my all-time fav any chance I can get), Subway (in a pinch I order the salad with tuna salad on it), and right now I have a fantasy about going to DipCo tonight to have wings. I’m sure they’re not organic or free-range. So when I can’t have my ideal food and have some food that is not humanely or healthily produced, as much as I try to avoid it, I just say a prayer of thanks for the food and chalk it up to doing my best in this crazy world. At least I’m trying! And so are you, so that’s something to feel good about.

Here is my diet log for the last several days:

Saturday 4/10/2015

8AM: a few sips coffee, almonds, 1 bowl sausage butternut squash chili

1:00 PM: Annie Bailey’s: 1 Einstok Doppelbock, petite sheperd’s pie

7:30 PM: organic hot dog with kim chi (at the Fridge), hummus, raw veg, 1 pint of stout which I didn’t finish

Sunday – I didn’t write anything down!

Monday: 8AM: coffee with butter & coconut oil, 1 chicken sausage

1PM: chili from California Pizza Kitchen, tortilla strips

Afternoon: cough drops (SF), herb tea

8 PM: almonds, 2 small hamburgers on a bed of greens, kim chi

Tuesday 4/14/2015

9AM: few sips of my usual coffee, boring unsweet shake: cashew milk, radish greens, cashew butter, SP Complete dairy free (2 scoops), 1 scoop sprouted rice protein

2:30 PM: roasted salted cashews, ground beef, onion and purple cabbage

8PM: more cashews, 1 hamburger with fermented hot sauce on a bed of greens

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