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Behavior Issues in Children

Q: Hi, my 5 year old son is having mood swings, anger problems, having a very hard time sitting still and paying attention. Do you know of any natural or homeopathic remedies that would help him? Thanks A: I would use a step by step program to help this young man....

Question on Autoimmune Disease

Q: I was recently diagnosed with CREST Syndrome, presenting with a high titer ANA (Antinuclear autobodies)and Raynauds. I already take lots of good supplements, the specialist put me on a vitamin D supplement, and procardia for the raynauds. I am active, play tennis...

Autoimmune Issues and Inflammation

Q: Dr. Sheehan, I feel really "swollen" lately, like I have inflamation throughout my body. I have RA which I am told could be producing this feeling. What else could be doing this and how do I get rid of it!? I feel "puffy" all the time!!! PS... I am watching my...


Q: Dr. Sheehan, I am 26 years old, and I have had symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) or temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) the last 5 years after chewing trauma on the sides of my mouth. Raw milk seems to relax my mouth muscles considerably but anytime I...

Cancer and Phytoestrogens

Q: Dr. Sheehan, I am 57 years old and postmenopausal. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. (estrogen positive-ductal)I have high LDL cholesterol and my other lipid levels are at normal range. After taking statins in the past with side effects, I started taking...

What is HRV (Heart Rate Variability)

Q: At my appointment on Friday, your staff ran an HRV on me at my re-examination. I know we reviewed my results together, and I understood them then. My husband asked what an HRV is and why it's so important after my appointment. I couldn't explain it to him. Can you...

I want to lose weight

Q: I want to lose weight. What is the best system out there? A: Whenever someone comes into my office wanting to lose weight, I always ask myself "What made this person gain weight in the first place?" The answer is always "Hormonal imbalances!" I go to work right...

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