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Feeling Stopped Up?

Most people know that regular bowel function is imperative for proper detoxification of the body and disease prevention. Sometimes, though, we forget the little things that help with constipation. Here they are: Are you drinking enough water? People need about half...

10 Forgotten Things to Help Sleep

Previously, I wrote about how to help your sleep naturally. However, I forgot to include some easy, almost common sense cures!  Here they are: Cut your caffeine. It’s estimated that 50% of the population is sensitive to caffeine, often without knowing it. Try cutting...

Fixing Lyme Disease

So how exactly did I go about fixing my Lyme Disease?  Well, first, let me recap on 5 crucial steps to fixing Lyme Disease: I admitted that I had Lyme disease. I became 100% determined to beat Lyme disease, mostly by myself, with help from my teachers. I promised...

“Great Guns” Against Lyme Disease

At this point, I’d like to point out that I would say that my Lyme disease was officially diagnosed in 2014, even though I think it really began in 2011 with a tick bite.  Or did it really start before that?  I mean, I had a history of childhood and adult illnesses...

Confronting Lyme Disease

So how exactly did I get diagnosed with Lyme disease, and what did I do? Well, like I said in the last article, I was bitten by a tick in 2011, which resulted in swollen lymph nodes 2 months later. I never saw the connection. I spent the next 3 years with migrating...

Approaching Lyme Disease

One thing I sometimes get asked about is Lyme disease, or, more specifically, do I treat Lyme disease.  The short answer is that no, I don’t treat Lyme disease.  However, I can tell you that I have a lot of success helping people that have Lyme disease get over it. ...

Hidden Hyper Organs

I've been seeing a lot of Hidden Hyper Organs lately in my nutritional counseling practice. So I wanted to provide an explanation  of this phenomenon. Hidden Hyper Organs are a non-medical phenomenon that we observe within the realm of Nutrition Response Testing....

Juicing Adventures

Juicing Adventures

Like juicing, everything in life can be viewed as an adventure and an opportunity to learn. As I have gotten older I have noticed that I am kinder to myself with mistakes. I view mistakes as a learning experience. I am realizing that I will never be perfect, but I can...

Cleansing Raw Foods

Recently I needed to switch my food selections up a bit and I decided to give raw foods a try. Not for the long term! Just short-term to see what the effect is in my body. I make a point to try everything for myself first. Only then do I pass the information along to...

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