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Stress: Adrenal Fatigue

Could You Be Suffering From Stress and Adrenal Fatigue? "Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency." -Natalie Goldberg Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired? Does your boost of energy dwindle as the afternoon approaches; causing...

Natural Approach to Rheumatoid Arthritis

There is a Natural Approach to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Read on to compare the conventional medical and natural approaches to rheumatoid arthritis. (Demographics for this article and statistics about rheumatoid arthritis for this article are taken from...

Lyme Disease and Heavy Metal Toxicity

Hello Everyone - When Jess came to see me two years ago, she was stressed, anxious, frustrated, scared, and in pain—lots of pain. She had already been to see one Lyme disease specialist medical doctor, and one alternative functional medicine doctor. She had been...

Immune System Protocol

I'm reposting this Immune System Protocol from the Wellness Library because it's so timely! By Dr. Keith Sheehan Lately, lots of patients have been asking me, “what do I take when I’m sick?”  The correct answer, of course is “we test you, then tell you what your body...

Natural help for Type 2 Diabetes

Do you, or a loved one either have type 2 diabetes or have what is called Pre-Diabetes, AKA Syndrome X?  I have a lot of patients coming in with these two disorders, so before I talked about it, I decided to look into exactly what the American Diabetes Association is...

Menopause, Hormones, and Osteoporosis

After practicing Nutritional Response Testing and Functional Medicine for the past 23 years, I have found a hierarchy of things that cause, or contribute to symptoms of menopause, hormonal dysregulation, and osteoporosis.  I use Nutrition Response Testing and...

Lyme Disease and Other Chronic Infections

Last Entry in the Lyme Disease Series-- Nagging stomach pain was the main reason Andrea came in to see me two years ago. She had been working on the issue with a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner in another state before she moved to Lancaster. She stated she had...

Lyme Disease and Nutritional Deficiencies

Let’s take a look at common symptoms of Lyme Disease side by side with different nutrient deficiencies: Chronic Lyme Disease Symptoms Water Deficiency (Dehydration)1,2 Vitamin D Deficiency3 Magnesium Deficiency4 B Vitamin Deficiency5 Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue Fatigue,...

Lyme Disease and Thyroid Issues

Functional Hypothyroidism Case study #1: Weight Gain, Elevated Blood Pressure, Finger Numbness, Indigestion, and Snoring (Trouble Sleeping) Dr. Sheehan saw a patient recently, let’s call him Ron. He had numbness and tingling in his hands and arms, which are common of...

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