
Antibiotics - Necessary but Overused Overuse of antibiotics can not only cause resistance but in the end, can potentially do more harm than good.  The rates of antibiotic prescription levels are disturbing.  Center for Disease Control Researchers conducted a study...

What Are the Best Sources of Fiber?

The Best Sources of Fiber Aren't from Added Fiber What are the best sources of fiber available? Have you noticed the labels of the white bread and the cereals on supermarket shelves that read “good source of fiber”? Now read the nutrition label – three grams. That’s...

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Could you be suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome? Many people have leaky gut syndrome and it leads to all kinds of other health problems. As a consequence, we see that most people suffering with gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal bloating, excessive gas and...

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