Let’s Take a Closer Look at Soy

Let’s Take a Closer Look at Soy

Let’s Take a Closer Look at Soy By Laura Sheehan I was a vegetarian for 20 years and consumed more than my fair share of soybean-based foods. I drank soy milk and ate tofu almost every day. I didn’t have a well-researched reason for doing this. Soy was...
Feeling Stopped Up?

Feeling Stopped Up?

Most people know that regular bowel function is imperative for proper detoxification of the body and disease prevention. Sometimes, though, we forget the little things that help with constipation. Here they are: Are you drinking enough water? People need about half...
Cleansing Raw Foods

Cleansing Raw Foods

Recently I needed to switch my food selections up a bit and I decided to give raw foods a try. Not for the long term! Just short-term to see what the effect is in my body. I make a point to try everything for myself first. Only then do I pass the information along to...