There’s something to the old wisdom of three squares a day.This week I have turned over the topic to Dr. Sheehan. In our office, we coach people on how to eat better to give the body its best shot at getting back to health. Many people have that they need to...
Let’s clear this up!I was listening to a lecture by Dr. Freddie Ulan, the founder of Nutrition Response TestingR, and among the many comments he made that struck me was one comment in particular about Nutraceuticals. He really clarified for me how nutraceuticals...
My new favorite restaurant!I am always keeping my eyes and ears open for restaurants that have food I can eat that are not too expensive. And I recently heard about the Fridge. Now, I did know about it already, and I knew they had pizza and a large beer selection, but...
Neither will they make you fat nor are they actually bombs :)I have been sick the last couple days and have had very little motivation to do anything, especially cook. However I think I will have to find the energy to make these Fat Bombs. My friend and fellow...
Don’t make the same mistake I did. The other day I woke up early, like I usually do, and cooked myself a nice breakfast. I made eggs and sausage, and mixed them in with some quinoa and baby greens from the CSA. Now, I hadn’t made quinoa for months....