Wellness Blog

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Natural Deodorant

Deodorant is a product that everyone needs. Many do not realize there are harmful chemicals in most over the counter deodorant. I have been searching for a natural deodorant that actually works for many years now. I have tried lots of different products with varying...

Surmounting Stress

Surmouning stress in today's world can seem impossible. Dr. Sheehan weighs in on his own view of stress and what we can do to master our it and live more relaxed and productive lives. So what exactly is stress?  Where does it come from?  What effects does it have on...

Toothpaste Naturally

Recently I had a good reason to change my toothpaste habits. Keith was away over the weekend and he took the toothpaste with him! I kept meaning to go out to get more but I just never made it. So the end of the day came,--time for me to brush my teeth. And there was...

Sunday Breakfast

Sunday breakfast is my favorite breakfast of the week 🙂 On Sunday, I love to sleep in (if I can) and then have a leisurely  breakfast with my husband. In contrast to weekday breakfasts, I go all-out on Sunday. My typical rule is not to eat carbs for breakfast or...

5 Reasons You’re Sick

Sickness and health are big topics in today's discourse. If you want to be healthy, wouldn't it be good to find out what makes people healthy, and do that? Wouldn't is also be good to find out what makes people sick, and avoid or handle those things? In this blog I am...

5 Advantages of Nutrition Response Testing

There are many advantages of Nutrition Response Testing when it comes to helping your health naturally. I love Nutrition Response Testing. I got started on a nutrition program with Dr. Sheehan back in 1998 and didn't look back!  You can watch my story here. Since that...

Food Poisoning

Last Sunday night I awoke at about 1 AM with an uncomfortable sensation of nausea. You can imagine the ensuing gastric event - not a pretty sight. I was sick for three hours. It was as if my body was saying, "you are going to purge - NOW," and saying it repeatedly. It...

Caffeine Blues

I have been historically a big fan of caffeine: in fact about two years ago I wrote a very popular blog about coffee. I was explaining how to make your coffee "Bulletproof". Now maybe you've heard of the "Bulletproof" blog. This blog (and online store) is geared...

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