How I Beat Ulcerative Colitis Naturally

How I Beat Ulcerative Colitis Naturally

By Dr. Keith Sheehan October 23, 2019 Full disclosure--this might get a little graphic. But I only share my own story about how I beat Ulcerative Colitis naturally because I found that many of my patients can identify with what I went through. Plus, it’s a great story...

Revisiting the Healthy Morning Beverage

Revisiting the Healthy Morning Beverage

Are you looking for healthy morning beverage ideas? Or maybe a makeover to your current morning beverage? Well, I'm still at it. And you know I do love my healthy morning beverage. But perhaps you also know how I like to switch things up... A couple of months ago,...

The Paleo Diet in a Nutshell

The Paleo Diet in a Nutshell

So recently someone asked me to explain the paleo diet in a nutshell. By far, my favorite diet to prescribe in my office is the Paleo diet. Why is that? Well, there are a number of reasons. Why the Paleo Diet is My Favorite Healing Diet It's low antigen, meaning that...

Lyme Disease and Other Chronic Infections

Lyme Disease and Other Chronic Infections

Last Entry in the Lyme Disease Series-- Nagging stomach pain was the main reason Andrea came in to see me two years ago. She had been working on the issue with a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner in another state before she moved to Lancaster. She stated she had...

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