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The Do’s and Don’ts to Keep Your Dog’s Immune System Strong
You’re Doing a Lot to Keep Your Immune System Healthy… Now What About Your Pooch? “There can be no doubt that carnivores, be they wild or domestic, thrive on the diet prescribed by nature.” –Dr. Tom Lonsdale Yes, our canine companions have immune systems too! And...
12 Signs You Have A Weak Immune System: Some May Surprise You
In our continued effort to help everyone keep their immune system strong, I decided to write a blog on signs you have a weak immune system. Some of these may surprise you and answer questions about symptoms that you or a loved one may have. 1. You Have Digestive...
Liver and Gallbladder: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
I recently found out one of the most commonly searched pages on our website is "liver and gallbladder flush". Probably because one of the most common core issues with our patients is liver and gallbladder problems (about 30-50% of our patients have a major problem...
Dr. Sheehan Reveals His Political Views On The Coronavirus—Prepare To Be Disappointed!
If you look at today’s media, you see that it’s massively polarized: some people believe that the coronavirus is going to kill us all; other people believe it’s just a mild cold; some people think it’s naturally occurring; while other people think that it’s a...
Natural Immune System Support Protocol
Please share this with your family and friends. So last week, in response to questions about how to maximize the immune system to fight the coronavirus, and any other immune system challenge, I wrote an article. If you did not see it, click on this link. Basically,...
What You Can Do to Make Yourself as Healthy as Possible to Confront the Coronavirus
By Dr. Keith Sheehan March 19, 2020 At this point, I think we’re all sick of hearing about the coronavirus. Some people say it’s the end of days, and some people say it’s totally overblown. This blog isn’t about that. I’m here to tell you what you can do besides the...
Part 3: How to Lower Blood Pressure and Prevent Heart Disease Without Drugs
This is the third part of the series about a natural approach to hypertension. If you missed the first two parts, you can check them out here and here. Now, let’s discuss some natural approaches to handling high blood pressure, to address...
Part 2: How To Lower Blood Pressure And Prevent Heart Disease Without Drugs
Last week, we covered hypertension aka high blood pressure, explained why it’s a problem, and when medications may not be the best treatment approach for many people. Now, let’s take a look at some of the causes of hypertension. Causes of Hypertension 1....
Part 1: How To Lower Blood Pressure And Prevent Heart Disease Without Drugs
By Dr. Keith Sheehan January 20, 2020 One of the most common questions I get in our office is “how do I get off of my blood pressure medicine?” You see, a recent scholarly report shows that even though blood pressure medication gets down your blood pressure, they do...
Hypertension -When Drugs Don’t Work
By Laura Sheehan December 9, 2019 Here are a few facts about hypertension: Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a mostly silent, dangerous condition that can increase your chances of developing heart disease and other health problems (by A LOT!). Lowering...