The most common question that we get here in the office these days is “how do I keep my immune system strong?” The answer is quite easy: cut out what weakens it and increase what strengthens it. Here's What Weakens The Immune System 1. Sugar Sugar comes in many forms,...
The Page Diet: The Most Effective Diet For Overall Health
What is the Healthiest Diet? If you have been a patient of ours, you probably know there are many dietary strategies that can work very well to get you healthier and feeling better. The best diets out there minimize or eliminate...
Dr. Sheehan Introduces His New Educational Series: How to Read Your Own Blood Tests
Recently, after taking a long hiatus from blogging and making videos to finish a side project on teaching doctors how to properly read blood tests, I realized I wanted to start blogging and making videos again. However, I wasn’t...
Liver Pâté Recipe- A Delicious Way To Eat Liver
One of the most delicious ways to enjoy liver is as liver pâté. Julia Childs once said, "The memory of a good pâté will haunt you for years.” I couldn't agree more! Here is a slight variation to Sally Fallon Morell's Nourishing Traditions chicken liver pâté with...
3 Blood Tests You Must Order To Assess Blood Sugar
Updated October 8th, 2020 Three blood tests you must order to assess blood sugar control properly. (Your doctor is most likely only tracking one, two if you’re lucky—but definitely not three!) If you have been reading my blog for a while, or are a patient of mine, you...
Is It Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue, or Something Much Easier?
7-year-old Female – Tired, Shy, Stomach Hurts When Regina came to see me in February, she looked like a healthy seven-year-old female. I asked her mother why she thought Regina needed my help. To which her mother replied “Regina always seems tired, really quiet, and...
Do I Have Heavy Metal Toxicity? (And What To Do About It)
It seems like many of us suffer from mystery symptoms that just won’t clear up no matter what we do—shoulder pain, back pain, skin issues, stomach pain, immune system weakness, fatigue, etc., etc. Does this mean you have heavy metal toxicity? Heavy Metals May Be The...
12 Signs You Have A Weak Immune System: Some May Surprise You
In our continued effort to help everyone keep their immune system strong, I decided to write a blog on signs you have a weak immune system. Some of these may surprise you and answer questions about symptoms that you or a loved one may have. 1. You Have Digestive...
Liver and Gallbladder: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
I recently found out one of the most commonly searched pages on our website is "liver and gallbladder flush". Probably because one of the most common core issues with our patients is liver and gallbladder problems (about 30-50% of our patients have a major problem...
Dr. Sheehan Reveals His Political Views On The Coronavirus—Prepare To Be Disappointed!
If you look at today’s media, you see that it’s massively polarized: some people believe that the coronavirus is going to kill us all; other people believe it’s just a mild cold; some people think it’s naturally occurring; while other people think that it’s a...
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